Update On Our Shop - We're Reopening!

Hi! We just wanted to pop in + update you on what's been going on with our shop. We've been thinking, and we've decided to go ahead and open up our shop until we are able to finish it out completely.

After our Mill + Gray Holiday event, we realized that there's not really any reason for us not to be open at this point. The only thing we are really waiting on to finish out our shop is to get our shelves + racks installed into the walls like we had them pre-hurricane. Our carpenter is backed up at the moment due to the hurricane, so it's a process + there's not much we can do at this point other than wait it out. However, we are able to put at least half of our inventory out to shop in-store by using the free-standing racks we have on hand. We will just have to make it work until we are able to get the store completed. Regardless, we are suuuuuper grateful + stoked to be opening back up! It's not really how we planned on reopening, but God's plans are waaay better than ours, and He knows what's best!Can't believe it's been almost 4 months since our shop was open. What a doozie it's been, but so glad to be back! Our shop may look a little different than before, but it's still our favorite place to be! We can't wait to get our shop back to her old self, but until then, we will enjoy the state she's in right now + we want you to as well! So, stop by our shop + say hi! We've missed you guys so incredibly much! And, we'd love to see you + we've got some new arrivals in shop! Thanks so much for standing by us through all of this. We appreciate your love + support so much- it means the world to us. And, we are so pumped to be back at it + hanging with you guys in real life again! Yay! 


The Mill + Gray Team